Monday, February 16, 2009

it's raining, it's pouring...

It appears the winter is upon us here in Ecuador... it has rained, without pause, for the last 6 days. This was not supposed to start until April but alas, my toes are permanent raisins and I cannot seem to shake a cold that snuck up as I was beginning to heal from my uninvited guests. Like anyone who has spent any time in the Northwest, however, I have not let it stop me. I spent the majority of the weekend exploring Quito, in the rain, in my Chacos, with my large black umbrella and my gay pride knit hat. I also drank a lot of coffee. Nescafe, with a scoop of sugar and even a bit of milk... living on the edge, I know.
Strange things happen when it rains here. The packs of stray dogs that roam our neighborhood have gone into hiding. Garbage bags have spontaneously exploded and there are bits of everything scattered in the streets. Bus drivers seem to be participating in a exciting game of soak the gringos... I have quickly learned to keep away from curbs and large potholes. In smaller villages, bridges have collapsed and chunks of road have been swept away. On the noon news, there are images of people squishing through thigh high mud to leave their flooded homes. And we have just begun.
It is hard not to participate in apocalyptic conversations as we watch fires rage in Australia, the aftermath of tornadoes in the Midwest and flooding sweep through Southern Ecuador. If this isn't climate change, I am not sure what is. The inconvenient truth is all around us.
And I will continue walking through it with my raisin toes,
to work, to my favorite coffee shop,
to get lunch in the afternoon,
all the while wearing my favorite rainbow hat.

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